Striped Raphael Catfish

Striped Raphael Catfish - Platydoras armatulus

Platydoras armatulus

The Striped Raphael Catfish is an attractive catfish, having a black body and horizontal, creamy stripes. A stripe passes from the middle of the tail forward on each side of the body to the center of the forehead where they meet. Another stripe passes from the tip of each pectoral fin forward to join at the tip of the snout, and a fifth stripe lines the base of the dorsal fin.

The Striped Raphael is also called a “talking catfish” because of its ability to make buzzing and clicking sounds by rubbing its spines together. As its name suggests, this catfish is covered with spots. The spots are white and the rest of the body is black. Its body is covered with thick plates that act as armor.

This catfish is nocturnal, and needs a dark hiding place in which to take refuge during the day. It is a scavenger and will eat most foods that it finds at the bottom of the tank. It is a peaceful fish and can be kept with most community species. It is also tolerant of its own kind and can be kept in small groups or singly.

Due to its protective “armor”, the Striped Raphael Catfish can also be kept with small to medium sized more aggressive fish including many types of cichlids. Despite its passive nature, the spotted raphael may eat very tiny fish, such as young fry.

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